This middle school science back to school resources are perfect for those first days of school and beyond. Everything you’ll need from getting students engaged on the first day of school, having a syllabus prepared, setting up interactive science notebooks, getting to know your students, lab safety, open house/meet the teacher and beyond. It’s all included in this bundle!
Here is what is included in this middle school back to school science bundle:
⭐ Secondary Science Syllabus Templates
⭐ Secondary Science Meet the Teacher & Open House Templates
⭐ Back to School/First Day of School Science Stations
⭐ All About Me page for students to fill out
⭐ Interactive Science Notebook Set-Up Kit
⭐ lab Safety Activities
⭐ Claim, Evidence, Reasoning Template
⭐ Lab Report Templates
⭐ Predict, Observe, Explain Templates
These resources are editable AND can be used in print format or digitally with Google Slides/Google Forms.
This syllabus templates are perfect for you if you teach:
✏️ Integrated Science
✏️ Earth/Space Science
✏️ Earth Science
✏️ Life Science
✏️ Physical Science
✏️ Biology
✏️ Chemistry
✏️ Environmental Science
✏️ Marine Science
✏️ Zoology
Each template is filled in with units that align to the specific subject area. I have also added general information that you can either keep for yourself or edit to make your own.
What is included with the Open House/Meet the Teacher Templates?
8 different editable slide decks. One for each type of science class (Earth Science, Earth Space, Life Science, Biology, Physical Science, Oceanography, Marine Biology and Marine Science)
24 slides that can be added, removed or edited to meet your needs
Matching Parent document that matches the slide deck. Themes and all!
What types of stations are included in the Back to School Stations Activity?
- Class Expectations: Students practice using claim, evidence, reasoning (CER) by identifying classroom expectations based on observations in your classroom.
- Make a Map: Students will draw their own map of your classroom. This will help them identify important areas around the room.
- Name that Tool: Students will test their knowledge of science classroom tools they might see in your classroom.
- All About You: Students fill out an “all about me” page so you can learn more about them, their interests, learning preferences and more.
- Tallest Towers: A team-building activity that students complete in groups to build the tallest tower in a designated amount of time with tape and index cards.
- Goal Setting: Students create goals for themselves for the year. These goals are academic, long-term, social, skill development, personal, etc.
- Syllabus Scavenger Hunt: Students will read through your syllabus and find important information that you want them to know.
- Paper Airplanes: Another team-building activity in which students work in groups to make a paper airplane in a designated amount of time that can travel at least 12 feet.
The Interactive Notebook Set Up Kit Includes:
- Editable Table of contents page
- Editable “Learning Goals” page Create a learning progression scale for students to rate themselves based on their knowledge and skills.
- Editable Key Vocabulary Page
- Editable Weekly Bellringer pages (also includes “warm ups” or “do now”)
- Editable “Reflection on Learning” page. Student reflect on units/chapter using the learning progression scale and answer questions about strengths/weaknesses.
- Assessment Tracker
- Editable Grading Rubric
- Editable Tabs
What are the included everyday lab templates?
- Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (CER) Science Templates: This claim, evidence, reasoning resource is perfect for in person or distance learning in a virtual classroom. Students can apply the CER method by exploring new science topics in any science class including Earth Science, Life Science, Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry and more!
- Scientific Method Lab Report Templates: Are you tired of creating a lab report for every lab or experiment you complete with your students? This generic scientific method template works with almost any science lab as a report that allows students to follow the steps of a science experiment, gather data and present conclusions. Students can even use this for distance learning with online simulations, videos, science interactive notebooks (digital or print) or as teachers perform live lab demonstrations virtually!
- Predict, Observe, Explain (POE) Science Templates: Predict, observe, explain is a perfect method to use when using demonstrations, videos or simulations with your students to keep them engaged throughout a science lesson as they spark curiosity. This resource can be used for distance learning or in person! Students follow along with the teacher as they make predictions (hypotheses) about what they expect to happen, make observations and then explain the phenomena. This can be used as a opener to a new concept or lesson, an exit ticket or for a science interactive notebooks (digital or print) activity!
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