These 24 air and sea interactions editable task cards can be used in a classroom or digitally for online learning through Google Forms with no prep and they are self grading! Perfect for a Marine science, Earth Science or Oceanography class. They can be easily printed, cut and laminated for use in the classroom with a ready-to-print student answer sheet.
Review vocabulary, key concepts and contributions to ocean and atmospheric circulation.
The link for Google Forms is available in the resource. An answer key in included in the resource and in Google Forms.
Task cards can be printed 1 per page or 4 per page. The answer sheet can be printed 1 per page or 2 per page to save paper. I typically print 2 per page so they’re perfect for gluing into interactive notebooks.
*Please note that the text is editable in each task card but the titles and clip art are not editable.
Content covered:
⭐ Composition of Earth’s Atmosphere
⭐ Layer of Earth’s Atmosphere
⭐ Importance of the Sun
⭐ What causes uneven heating of the sun?
⭐ Coriolis Effect
⭐ Wind & Convection cells
⭐ Major wind patterns (Trade winds, prevailing westerlies, polar easterlies)
⭐ Surface currents and deep currents
⭐ Gyres
⭐ Ekman Transport and Ekman Spiral
⭐ Upwelling and downwelling
⭐ Gulf stream, oscillations, El Niño Southern Oscillation
⭐ Monsoons and cyclones
⭐ Layers of the ocean (epipelagic, thermocline, deep bottom layer)
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