A resource perfect for a middle school science classroom reviewing energy! 3 weeks of editable warm up slides, digital or print versions are perfect for a energy forms and transformations unit in your classroom with no prep! Use these as bellringers or even cut them out to use as exit tickets. Google Slides versions are also included for online learning.
Each question is in short or long response format so students explain the topic and their understanding.
There are 3 ways to use these editable warm ups:
1. Use them with slides as students fill out the answers on their own personal answer sheet.
2. Use the answer sheets with the questions on them without the slides. I personally have my students hole punch them each week to add into a pronged folder or binder to use as a study tool. You can even print them at 90% so students can glue them into their interactive science notebooks!
3. Use them for online learning or digitally with the Google Slides version. This is also perfect for digital interactive student notebooks.
A PowerPoint version is included for editing and a PDF version is included for easy printing.
*The questions are editable but the fonts and clip art are not due to copyright.*
Included in this resource:
✅ 3 weeks of warm ups (15 total).
✅ 3 editable templates to fit the needs of you and your students
✅ PowerPoint Slides with the questions to project for your students
✅ Answer key
Content covered:
⭐What is energy?
⭐Types of Potential Energy
⭐Types of Kinetic Energy
⭐Energy Transformations
⭐Law of Conservation of Energy
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